
The Importance of Made4Flow’s New AntiDDoS Decoders

In recent months, our technical team has seen an alarming increase in DDoS attacks of the Carpet bombing type, characterized by intense traffic spikes generally directed at all IP addresses belonging to the ASN. These attacks have negatively impacted network connectivity, presenting an additional challenge in evading detection by many conventional DDoS security systems. Unlike […]

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Updates – Made4Graph and Made4Flow – 5/22

Made4Flow – Version 2.0.4 Additions: Added the possibility to view the traffic of all CDNs at once Changes: Changed the color scheme on CDN traffic distribution graphs Fixes: Fixed returning logs after restarting Anti-DDoS Fixed timeout in BGP route action in Anti-DDoS Correction in the collection of interfaces via SNMPv3, the security level used for […]

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Launch Made4Flow v2

We are very proud to announce the release of version 2 of Made4Flow and Anti-DDoS. Bringing several improvements, this version brings new features and optimizations. With a much more attractive look and interactive dashboard customization option, Made4Flow v2 stands out with its much more polished and refined interface, and also much faster and dynamic compared to its predecessor.

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New version Made4Flow

Another version of the made4flow software, we had some changes in this update, we are always bringing news according to the main needs of our customers. Shall we check the update of this version? Version 1.3.4 (26/07/2022) Added Added new screen to view attacks dampened by Anti-DDoS This new screen has been added that shows […]

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