
We have more news for this week, we have included within Made4Flow a dashboard for the CDNs: Google, Facebook, Netflix and Akamai.

With it you can know: the total CDN Traffic + the AS Content Traffic, the distribution of CDN Traffic in relation to the total Network, which CDN from which operator you are using.

With this dashboard it is very simple to know your CDN traffic and you can even use this screen to request your CDN.

Check out some images of the Dashboard below:

Total CDN and ASN traffic
Ratio of CDN and AS usage to total network
CDN used and Top Destination ASN

Our other update is our About Made4Flow screen

With it you can know:

  • Contact for Support and Help
  • Current version of Made4Flow
  • Number of Licenses purchased
  • Changelog containing changes and new features
About Made4Flow Page

This is our news for this week.

Until next time…