
Selective Bandwidth Control in Huawei Router

Hello, my name is Gabriel Henrique, I am a network analyst here at Made4IT and today I will show you how to configure selective bandwidth control on access layer users on Huawei’s NE line routers. Selective bandwidth control opens up the possibility of new products or the improvement, increment or “charm” in the delivery of […]

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How does the TR-069 work?

We’ve already seen some of the TR069’s features, to access the content where we present what the TR069 is, read our first article, now we’ll see how this “magic” works. TR-069 is based on SOAP/HTTP, where the connection between the CPE and the ACS is made. Communication is done through remote procedure calls (RPC), this […]

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Made4flow and Made4graph updates

More updates to our Made4flow and Made4Graph software!
Our development team has now brought new functions that will help your support, the updates of this version and previous versions are all on our wiki that you can see here! Let’s see what they were

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Why just having Zabbix doesn’t work?

To understand this question, let’s remember how Zabbix works. Zabbix is ​​an open-source monitoring software, with it we can monitor our assets in different ways, with SNMP protocol, via Zabbix Agent, HTTP/S, with external scripts, and so on…. When we install and configure Zabbix, we see several templates ready to be able to monitor equipment […]

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What is TR069?

Hello, my name is Marcos Lucas, I’m part of the Technical Support Team for the Implementation of Made4Graph and TR069, today I would like to talk about my first job with an ISP/Telecom, which was as a support agent at an internet provider. After working for a while, the person in charge of the sector […]

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How to Configure Blackhole on Cisco IOS-XE

Now that you know what a BGP Blackhole is (if you still don’t know, check out our article on RTBH – Blackhole). Now it’s time to configure it and be able to protect yourself from DDoS attacks. To summarize the Blackhole, it is a technique of sending a route to the “black hole” or simply […]

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How to identify a illegal internet?

To start this article, I would like to describe what are the Clandestine Internet Providers, or also called “Illegal Internet”. Clandestine providers / Illegal Internet are usually created by individuals or legal entities that hire an Internet Link that is not recommended and generally do not have licenses from government authorities to resell internet. Usually […]

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