In the state of Espírito Santo, a law was passed in October 2021, law number 11,201 of Espirito Santo, where every postpaid broadband provider must insert a customer usage chart in the invoice, if you don’t know, we made another article talking a little more about this law, you can check it out by clicking on this link.
You may think that this law is only for the State of Espirito Santo, but following the “modus operanti” of Brazil, probably the other states of our nation will have to follow the line already approved by the State Justice and also by the STF.
But what does the law say? Let’s highlight the main points here:
- All customers will have an average daily use of their internet on their invoice, referring to sending and receiving data, presented in a usage graph. Simply put, a graph like Zabbix/Cacti/LibreNMS/PRTG/Dude of an interface utilization in Mbps (Megabits per Second).
- This graph cannot be observed in the morning period, from midnight to 8 am.
- Fine of R$4,000.00 to R$15,000.00 per customer
But now you might think: I understood the law, I understood their consequences, but now how can I solve this problem or how can I predict it?
We at Made4it have a solution that fits perfectly to solve this problem, Made4Graph, which is our support team assistance software, NOC/Call Center offers the necessary information through Real-time utilization Graph and History for PPPoE or IPoE client and also brings intelligence about the Clients. In it you can, through the Usage History Graph, have the information charged by the law.

Doing it manually, collecting the graph of each customer to put on their invoice is impossible for the operation, thinking about it our development team provides an API where it is possible to integrate with your management system, such as ISP Integrator, IXC, RBX (Routerbox) , SGP, Mk-auth, MKSolutions, TopsApp, HubSoft, ReceitaNet or any other software you have, in a simple way to automate your invoice issuance process with your Client’s usage history graph.
Made4Graph also has a TR069 where it is possible to manage the Clients’ routers, Reports to aid in pro-activity with clients and many other functions.
To find out more, it’s very easy, contact us via WhatsApp and one of our consultants will help and answer all your questions.
Click here to speak directly to our contact:43 98485-4013