
Check out what’s new in Made4Flow this past week, we developed new features and fixed some problems in the software.

Here are our new features in this version:

– Custom Dashboard

Custom Dashboard

Now you can create custom dashboards with any Made4Flow chart

To access go to: Menu -> Custom Dashboard and create as many as you need.

– Graph by time per CDN

CDN traffic

Now you can see which CDN Server(s) you used in your network and what the traffic was to each one.

To access go to: Menu -> Graphs -> Total Traffic -> CDN

Related bugs have also been fixed:

– Solved the “other” bug in ASN containing graphics
– Last value as “0” at certain times

For more information contact our support team or if you wish to hire Made4Flow contact our Commercial team through the channels:

– E-mail: comercial@made4it.com.br
– Phone: +55 43 3047-8300
– WhatsApp: +5543984854013

More news soon…