Proxmox is an open source virtualization platform that enables server consolidation and the creation of highly scalable virtualization environments. As a service provider, using Proxmox can help you save costs and improve the efficiency of your services.
However, configuring and managing a Proxmox platform can be challenging for many companies, especially those that are not experienced in virtualization. That’s why we offer our Proxmox consulting services to help companies implement and manage their Proxmox platform efficiently and effectively.
If you are considering migrating from an existing virtualization platform to Proxmox, we can help you transition smoothly and without disruption to your services.
We will help you implement your Proxmox platform, configuring the necessary resources, defining security policies and ensuring integration with other existing technologies in your company.
We will work closely with you to understand your business needs and objectives and design a custom Proxmox solution for your company. We provide support from the planning phase through implementation and ongoing management, ensuring your Proxmox platform is configured and managed according to industry best practices.
We provide ongoing support and management for your Proxmox platform, ensuring it is always running reliably and efficiently. We constantly monitor the platform, identifying and resolving issues before they can affect system performance.
We offer training on the Proxmox platform to help you and your team better understand how to use all of the platform’s features and get the most benefits possible.
A plataforma Proxmox permite a virtualização eficiente de máquinas virtuais (VMs) e contêineres, permitindo que as empresas consolidem seus servidores físicos em menos hardware e economizem dinheiro em licenças de software.
Com a consultoria em Proxmox, as empresas podem configurar e gerenciar suas VMs e contêineres em um único local, o que simplifica o gerenciamento da infraestrutura de TI.
Proxmox oferece recursos de alta disponibilidade, como migração a quente de VMs e Discos, para garantir que as aplicações permaneçam disponíveis em caso de falha de hardware.
A plataforma Proxmox é altamente flexível e pode ser configurada para atender às necessidades específicas de cada empresa, permitindo a implantação de diferentes tipos de aplicações em diferentes tipos de ambientes.
A virtualização de servidores utilizando Proxmox resultar em uma redução significativa de custos para as empresas, pois o software diferente do Vmware é OpenSource, com isso não há custo de licenciamento de Software.
If you’re looking for Proxmox services with high expertise, contact us today to learn more about how we can help you get the most out of the Proxmox virtualization platform. We are ready to help you improve the efficiency of your services and reduce your operating costs.
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